Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thirty-One Gifts

CONFESSION:  I am a bag-a-holic.  I travel a lot (way too much sometimes) and have a bag for every occasion. Thing is, all my bags must match. I'm not only a bag-o-holic, but I'm obsessive about it.

I've gone though a lot of travel bags, work bags, tote bags...and was never really happy.  That is until I found Thirty-One bags! The best thing is you can initial them (OK, best thing aside from them being great quality bags).

I figured this company had a story.  Every good company and good product does, right?   So I went to the website to see what the scoop was:

Thirty-One is more than just a company. We are people who believe in celebrating, encouraging and rewarding others for who they are. Through God’s strength, we’ve built a family of individuals who feel women deserve to treat themselves and those around them to something special. Our commitment is to provide women with a fulfilling, enjoyable and rewarding experience one person at a time.

I'll admit it, I've already talked to Caitie Forslund to be sure I could order a new bag at the Expo.  She assured me I could.  WHEW!  I really need another tote!

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