Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Kathy Friend, image consultant

If you've seen the TV show 'What Not To Wear' You kinda understand what Kathy does.  She works with individuals, groups and corporations to create a great image.  She helps women and men match inner beauty with outer beauty.  Her goal is to teach people how to reverse shopping habits and get over that felling that "you have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear".

Kathy Friend has been known in Michiana for years as a fashion expert.  She has used her talents to help hundreds of men and women look their best. She has become known as a premier speaker, offering workshops and seminars all over the country.

In the past few years, Kathy has extended her 'home base' to include office locations in Michiana, Indianapolis and southern Indiana.

In her workshops (called StyleU), Kathy teaches participants about:
  • The best colors to wear
  • The best style of clothing that will flatter your figure
  • Defining Style Personality
  • Size Matters: accessories, handbags
  • How to accessorize
  • Best hairstyle for your face shape
  • What kinds of clothing should you NOT wear 
Kathy will be offering a workshop at the Expo to explain about accessorizing - she's sharing secrets!  You won't want to miss it!

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